serving globally
A to Z Ministry
Andover to Zimbabwe
Faith supports those in need not only locally, but also globally. Our fellowship with the Lutheran Church in Rwehanga, Zimbabwe and their community school, began in 2003. Ramson Gambiza (photo right) a member of Faith and the son of a Lutheran minister in Zimbabwe, began to share with us the story of his home church and the local school. Since then, Faith has sent school supplies and raised, through the generosity of our members and matching funds from Thrivent for Lutherans, significant funds to pay for building and repair projects at both the church and the school. Faith has also helped develop a sustainable chicken farm and set up a grinding mill to make it more convenient for folks to grind their corn.
Sixteen of us took a mission trip to Zimbabwe in the spring of 2024! Enjoy our travelogue here.
Lutheran World Relief
Often, when natural disasters strike or when war drives families from their homes, our hearts ache with compassion, but we don’t know how to help. Making Lutheran World Relief Kits is a simple, fun and tangible way to offer comfort to those suffering and express love to our neighbors in need. LWR Kits are specifically designed to help people coping with poverty, disaster, conflict and more.
We’ve worked together at Faith to gather items for personal care kits and school supplies.
Ukrainian Relief
In response to the war in Ukraine, we have added our prayers and hosted coffee hours (with a member’s grandmother’s special Ukrainian blintz recipe) to raise money for refugees and other needs sent through the Lutheran World Federation.