It takes a village to keep Faith alive! Get involved!

Sunday Worship

Youth and adults actively participate as worship assistants, ushers, acolytes, communion assistants…


In addition to carrying the cross into worship, lighting the altar candles and assisting with Holy Communion, our acolytes also have lots of fun during practices and recreational activities. After serving as an acolyte for a specified number of services, the acolyte is presented with an acolyte stole made by a member of the congregation. Acolyte training often concurs with the Fire Fly Youth Group events (Grades 3 to 6).

Worship Assistants

The Worship Assistants are a lay members of the congregation who help the pastors lead worship services. This helps symbolize that all members of the congregation play an essential role in celebrating a church service. On a typical Sunday morning, the Worship Assistant’s primary role is to lead both the Kyrie and the Prayers of Intercession. Although the Kyrie is usually sung, Worship Assistants can also simply speak it if they are more comfortable doing so. Our choir director is always happy to meet with Worship Assistants to help them practice singing the Kyrie. There is a sign-up sheet for Worship Assistants in the Choir Room.

Communion Assistants

Communion assistants help to serve Holy Communion at the each church service.


Ushers are volunteers that assist the congregations during each service. They’re responsible for handing out church bulletins at the beginning of each service, distributing the offering plates during the Offertory, and assisting the congregation during Holy Communion. If you’re sitting in a pew on Sunday morning, you can easily serve as an usher. What a great way to serve your church during a time when you are there any way! Duties include greeting people, counting attendance, and directing communicants to the altar. You’ll be paired with someone at the same service; you and your spouse can usher together; you and your child can usher together. It’s a great way for confirmation students to serve their church. You don’t need to be a member of the church to be an usher. There is a signup sheet on the bulletin board in the narthex.

This is how it works:

  1. You’ll be asked a couple of months in advance which Sundays you are not available
  2. A schedule will be sent to everyone with the Sundays you are assigned
  3. A few days before your assigned Sunday, you’ll be sent a reminder
  4. If a schedule conflict arises, you can switch with someone else


Counters stay after services and count the offerings. Sunday counters work in teams of two, and it takes only an hour or two. With enough help, each counter would be signed up once every other month. We will pair you up with an experienced counter and show you the process.

Altar Care

Altar Care volunteers are responsible for preparing the communion trays and wafers for each service. A check is made to ensure that there are adequate supplies for subsequent services. A sign-up sheet is posted in the hallway by the church library.

  • Contact: Caroline D’Agostino

Coffee Hour Hosts and Bakers

Coffee Hour Hosts are responsible for having the coffee made and the treats set out for coffee hour. Just after Communion, the host leaves the sanctuary to set out the food, the beverages and any other supplies (napkins, paper plates, sugars, creamers, etc.) in the Fellowship Hall. When the crowd begins to thin out, the host begins to clean up the area.

Coffee Hour Bakers create or acquire treats to share at coffee hour. It can be cut fruit, cookies, bread item, pastry item etc. really anything you would like to bring – homemade or store-bought.

Altar Decorators

Altar Decorators are help preparing the altar area to reflect the changing church seasons.

  • Contact: Caroline D’Agostino

Sunday School

We need Sunday School teachers to support our education program! We pair teachers for each class to make the job as flexible as possible. No teaching experience or extensive biblical knowledge is needed. All lessons are prepared for you, materials are easy to access online, and the co-teaching allows you to teach every other week or every other month, depending on what works best for your teaching team.

Youth Activities

Our Youth Director, Tom Schauer, and both our Pastors know of all kinds of ways you could help support our youth activities. You could chaperone, provide and/or prepare food, assist with transportation, provide supplies, or even provide music for a youth event or retreat weekend. Our youth group activities, Vacation Bible School, and other fun events are all made possible by volunteers like you!

Care Shepherds

We have a “Care Shepherd” ministry at Faith which supports our members who face hospitalization, illness or other challenges. Shauna Wagner is the gatekeeper for this ministry and when a member needs assistance, she contacts a volunteer care shepherd coordinator. The care shepherd finds out what the member needs and organizes other volunteers to help by providing meals, transportation, household help, or other assistance. We have a resource list of people who are willing to act as care shepherd coordinators and to provide specific types of help when requested, but need additional volunteers so that we can provide meaningful support to our members who face these challenges, without overburdening individual volunteers. Generally, a volunteer provides assistance only once or twice a year, and only if and when he or she has the time available to assist. We urge you to respond to the call to help one another by contacting Shauna to join our group of volunteers and share your time and talents.

But Wait! There’s More!

We really count on our volunteers because we have so much to offer! Here’s a few more volunteer opportunities to consider:

  • Help with Vacation Bible School
  • Spring and Fall property clean-up
  • Summer grass mowing
  • Serve on the church council
  • Help with special events

So please keep your ears open for announcements in church and your eyes open reading our church bulletins. We need you!

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